Friday, May 7, 2010

Issues of Life: The Joys of Motherhood

The Joys of Motherhood

     This coming May 9, the world celebrates "Mother's Day". It is an occasion wherein mothers are honored and remembered for, well, being mothers (in short, for having a child or more). Well, I am a mother and I expect to be remembered. Ha, ha, ha! But my daughter is way too advanced; she already gave me her gift which is my request--a headband--and for that I am grateful. 

      Although we are celebrated, once a year, no gift can compare the joy that we've experienced and are still experiencing as a mother. From the moment we conceive until the time we deliver and up to this time that we are raising up our child, we are consumed with various struggles and challenges, yet, all the more we emerge more victorious than ever in every stage of our child's life that we go through with him. Our joy doesn't come from our own accomplishments as a mother, but from the accomplishments of our child from his first steps, to his first words, to his first day in school, to graduating elementary, high school and college, to having a career or a good job, to having a relationship with someone else and up to his accomplishments in having a family of his own. In every step he takes and in every victory he makes, we rejoice; it's as if we are the ones accomplishing it ourselves. It's probably the reason why we also cry all the more whenever he struggles and when he is in great pain. Such is the great selfless love of a mother. Who says motherhood is easy? 
      "Happy Mother's Day" in advance to all mothers out there! I celebrate you, indeed! God bless you more and more and more.


Dhemz said...

oh very inspiring post of yours teCarmen...motherhood is Stressful, Incredible,and Incomparable...

happy mother's day!

charmie said...

Happy Mothers Day Ate,, You know that you have same name with my Ate and my grand mother too..:)
God bless you and so am I.

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